Education during the colony
Main characteristics
Ø *Education was given mainly by the church and just in specific cases by the government.
Ø *It was private although there was some public education given freely to the Indians by the friars. In those schools they taught: writing, reading, singing, grammar and basic mathematical operations.
Ø *There weren’t schools for women, some of them had to study in convents where they learned embroidery, weaving, sewing, music and dancing classes but just rich women had acces to this kin of education, the rest learned these arts at home.
Ø *Latin was the universal language of science.
Ø *The principal indigenous schools were
Parras Coahuila San Javier in Puebla San Luis de la Paz
Ø *The indigenous schools and churches were leaded by the Franciscans, Dominicans, and Augustinians.
Ø *The Jesuit schools were the most famous and prestigious.
Ø *La real y Pontificia Universidad de México was founded in 1553 and offered the next degrees and diplomes.
Philosophy Latin grammar Laws Medicine
Education Structure
First letters
Spanish Grammar Basic arithmetic operations
Minor education
Latin grammar(Gramática latina de Nebrija) Reading Ciceron, Horacio, Virgilio, etc.
Superior education
· Universities
Prepared laypeople and clergymen Provided students with bachiller, teacher or doctor diploma
· Royal colleges
Students were living into the scool They acquired the degrees for becoming a Bachiller, Teacher or Doctor
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